this is about you

ChatGPT just doesn’t hit the mark.

You’ve been burned by that Instagram copywriter who thought “personality-fueled” meant adding GIFs to every email.

And you’re FOR SURE done with throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

You want a real human with real emotions to evoke real feelings in your audience. You want someone to dig deep and find the best parts of your offer and blend them with your secret sauce (read: your kick-ass personality) to truly make your copy stand the eff out.

(Hi, that’s me!)

And I come with a strategy-first, customer-centric mindset, so we’re not throwing food all over your freshly painted walls. (I don’t even like spaghetti, tbh.)

I help biz owners like you infuse fun with laser-focused messaging that gets your customers (and you!) freakin’ excited about your brand.

People will read anything if it’s interesting.

And when they feel a little somethin’ from your copy, you’ll attract your best-fit customers, build meaningful relationships, and watch those dolla dolla bills roll in.


proof I'm not a robot

I’m Janelle! In my small but mighty corner of the internet, I’m the go-to gal for taking copy from scary bad to, dare I say, scary good. 🥁

But that wasn’t always me. I actually used to be a robot.

The kind of robot that:

☑️ Went to college (hello there, dusty Journalism degree).
☑️ Got a great job with the government (no, not as a spy…maybe 👀).
☑️ And resigned myself to the fact that I would trudge through this 9-5 for the next 40+ years.

Little did I know there was a whole world waiting for me…a place where I’m actually fired up about the work I do.


Enter: copywriting

I was obsessed.

I absorbed all the books, invested in way too many courses, and put the reps in with brands that I have been so honored to work with.

You’re not just in the hands of some fly-by-night copywriter who got sold on the idea of making $10k/day working 4 hours a week.

You get someone knowledgeable, excited, and truly obsessed with their work.

So I retired my pantsuit and shelved my corporate lingo to write copy for bold brands that want their reader to LOL. Or, at the very least, breathe air forcefully through their nose.

Because business doesn't have to be boring – and neither should your copy.

(JK I never owned a pantsuit.)

A never-ending thirst for knowledge? It's kinda my thing.

"I can now confidently say I have a trusted copywriter - which is such a load off my back.

I have never worked with a copywriter in this capacity before, however, as a professional copyeditor, I felt like I knew what I wanted. Turns out I didn't.

The quality of her copywriting shows me that Janelle genuinely cares about my business. And she's brought up ideas and strategies that I hadn't thought of before. Janelle was so patient, guided me through revisions, and helped establish a streamlined system moving forward.

Overall, I feel very taken care of and I am over-the-moon happy with the end product. "
carley denboer standing on the beach
Carley DenBoer
Coach & Copyeditor @ Carley Denboer Agency

When you work with me, you get more than just copy

You get:

✔️ A team player and strategic partner because collaboration (on both parties) is key.

✔️ A cheerleader and friend, because I get waay too invested in my clients’ success.

✔️ A seamless and refined process because we’re both too busy for me to fudge this up.

When you win, I win. And I love to win.

(Ask anybody who’s played Mario Kart against me.)